Monday, January 24, 2005

The Eye of the Beholder

Now, I don't want to sound prejudice or anti-homeless guys or anything, but something has me wondering. Over the past couple of months it seems I've become more attractive to homeless men. The first time it became apparent I was in front of the Rite-Aid enjoying a 69 cent ice-cream cone, and a tall man with gray hair, a long beard, and a bedroll, approached me to tell me, "I like your braids". But it wasn't just my braids he was talking about. A girl can tell these things. Then he was off just like that, no phone number, nothin'. The second time was today. Once again I was at the market, but this time it was the Albertson's quick check, and as I was checking out my groceries, somebody else was checking out you know who...BIG TIME. Staring right at me from the next line over was yet another tall, gray haired, even longer bearded fellow of the same ilk as the first. This one was a little more straight forward, and when I caught his glance he said," I 'm sorry, I'm sorry, you're just so beautiful." And all I could think was MAN, you're drunk. Even so, I have to admit, both times, I was flattered, and left wishing Jason would grow a beard.


Blogger said...

At first I read '...I've become more ATTRACTED to homeless men', and I was a little confused, maybe even a bit worried. But then my brain straightened itself out, and now all that needs to be said is: you're one fine mama, and it doesn't take bedroll binocs to see that!

January 26, 2005 at 7:14 PM

Blogger said...

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January 26, 2005 at 7:36 PM

Blogger s.k.namanny said...

Often, the homeless population expresses the hidden thoughts of the domiciled populace. They have nothing to lose, so they go for it. The rest are forced to retreat to decorum.

May 7, 2005 at 3:20 PM


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