Thursday, March 03, 2005

Dropping a Bomb

So, I get a phone call from my boss in the middle of class. She says to me she says,"Donna I'm really worried about these bombs, and I called the police, and they said to tell the kids to let a teacher know if they see anyone suspicious(to a child that's anyone but his mother) wandering around the school." "Where is the bomb?" I ask, paniced, thinking there's been a bomb threat reported in the fairgrounds where the school is located. "Nowhere, but they're everywhere," she says. "Anyway I'm really worried, I want two teachers to check the perimiter of the playground every morning to be safe." Now it's my job to spread the word, and unable to control myself I smirk just a little more each time I deliver the message to another teacher until I'm cracking up while delivering it to Holly, my co-teacher. Here come's the scary part. The very next morning while we're getting our class in order, I notice Holly stop and look out the window very concerned, and without saying a word she quietly steps out the door to the playground. Oh shit! I think. We didn't check the perimiter. Just then Holly returns with a boy from our class. Apparently his father had dropped him off without making sure he entered the classroom, so the boy decided to go out to the playground and poop. The End